Still Life Oil Painting by Anne Spoon JOIN US FOR: an oil painting demonstration by Anne Spoon WHEN: Monday, September 27th, at 7:00PM WHERE : Fine Arts Institute in Edmond Everyone is invited. The cost is $2 for nonmembers, FREE to members Oil Painting by Anne Spoon It has been a great year working as president of the Edmond Art Association. I learned so much and met amazing artists that have made an astonishing impact in my life as an artist. The World Wide Web has also been a great way to connect artists and it reminds me of how small this world really is. Zipping through blogs, I came to find Anne Spoon's blog and of coursed loved her work. Who wouldn't; her work is phenomenal! It has a gentle mystical air that makes it so inviting and soft, but definitely strong. Similar other artists that have mastered the craft of oil painting; she is able to impart that talent and skill into still lifes, landscapes and portraits with confidence. So, I've continued to visit and a...
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