Recently my grandmother got close to me and whispered in my ear something she has told me since I can remember, “The most valuable perfumes come in the tiniest bottles.” Like she did when I was young, she was trying to make me feel better after someone has poked fun of me for being 4’11 ½” tall. So I credit my grandmother some for my appreciation of all things tiny, small, little, or diminutive. In fact, like many people, I am very fascinated by small objects. Some of my most favorite material possessions are those that I can hold in one hand. In college I found some instructors asking me, “Why are you scared to work big?” I have never been scared to do big work, nor I am incapable of creating larger pieces. I choose to work small. I really don't see why to take up more space if you can accomplish your goal on a smaller canvas. Plus, I find it more challenging to create work on a limited surface area than when the sky is the limit. Every brushstroke that you position on a tiny canv...
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