Book Collection: Chanel with Peonies , Oil on 6 "x8" Linen Panel S OLD Private Collection in Yukon, Oklahoma This year, I have several hundreds of little things to be awaiting impatiently-- I have taken beekeeping class this winter and will soon be venturing at taking good care of a couple of hives. * Please, note that due to inclement weather, paintings will be shipped up to 10 days (instead of the usual 5) after the auction has ended, so that they may be shipped one days with the best possible weather conditions. Lemon with Leaf Still Life, Oil on 6 "x6" Linen Panel SOLD Private Collection in Chelmsford, MA My anticipation for Spring time grows even stronger it seems as the days get colder. I understand that it is so very selfish to complain about our cold Oklahoma weather and our bits of snow and ice here and there seeing how bad friends to the east of the country have had it thi...
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