Pear Still Life, III 4”x6” Oil on Linen Panel Sold Still Life of Pear Half, 6”x6” Oil on Linen Panel SOLD Peony Still Life, III 6”x8” Oil on Linen Panel SOLD Mango Still Life, 4”x6” Oil on Linen Panel NFS I have been painting up a storm. Not always a good storm, but I’ve worked out a few problems. The top paintings are of a pear. It shows what a difference a background makes. I love that blue background on the first. It is the color that I painted my laundry room. The painting of the pear half I found to be very difficult. I just couldn’t get the right colors for the meat of the pear. They were both still fun to paint. The peony is one that I purchased from A Date with Iris (great flowers and art; you should visit). I love peonies, but I do find them challenging to paint. I love how the blue background came out on this one. Okay, so now to my weakness. I have many, starting with chocolate, but by far my greatest is MANGO. I am very allergic to this oh so very delicious treat, bu...
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