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Celebrating my 35th Birthday with Donald Longcrier

No, I did not really spend my birthday with Donald Longcrier, rather I spent some time celebrating by viewing his work. Let me explain.
This weekend was the weekend after my thirty-fifth birthday. Although the birthday itself was not the best, the weekend more than made up for it. I went to the Farmer’s Market and got an orchid-my favorite flowers. You can see them above. They are even more mesmerizing in person.
Then I snuck into the City Arts Center for the pottery sell at and got a few pieces that I had to come home with me. The prices that they had made me feel that I was almost pirating them. They are great pieces for which find a home around my home and can be added to other items in a still life painting I plan to start this coming weekend.
While at City Arts, I walked through Donald Longcrier's exhibit. It made up for all the events that went wrong on my birthday (starting with my car not wanting to start). It was one of the most peaceful experiences I have had in a long time. He has a talent for placing items in such a way, that even when I thought about the elements of danger in some of the components, I still felt safe and comfortable. There are metal balls that hang from thick ropes; rags that speak of his trade, items that I assume have been near flammable studio chemicals hang gently on a solid black background; along with a metal spike and ropes as thick as my arms are weaved together to form cloths that must weigh tons appear to be floating in the air. Still, I felt guarded.

His works honor the touch of time on strong craftsmanship. Each work is also a celebration in which Longcrier pays homage to the power of simplicity. In the midst of the holiday rush, visit his exhibit to find a bit of peace. Lose yourself in meditation while taking in this wonderful exhibit. I would show you photos of his work, but I saw photos of it before I saw the exhibit. The photos nowhere near the same experience. You have to see it in person.
Speaking of the stress of holiday shopping, you will find jewels in Oklahoma art and jewelry galleries. Consider visiting any one of the galleries for gifts for your loved ones. You will find items that will trigger thought, enhance homes, and last lifetimes. What store offers that?
About the gems I found: I recently discovered that I love green pottery. I have always noticed that I really like celadon green, but not like this. It is becoming an obsession I found out. After I came home with my great finds from City Arts, I placed them next other pottery that I purchased along Paseo…
The bowl is from Cynthia Wolf's gallery the vase is from Paseo Pottery
Despite the obsession, I did stray from my Celadon green by picking up one with a chestnut colored glaze that I love. I just noticed that my colors on the photos do not look at all as nice as the real colors of the glazes. I do believe it is time for a new camera--Oh, Santa Dear. Wink, wink.


  1. very nice Miss Lovely. I'd like to see a painting of her before it's too late.


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