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Edmond Art Association in Crisis!

If volunteers are not found to fill open board positions, the current board will dissolve. The association and all assets will be disposed of according to the by-laws. I urge you to donate a small amount of your time each month so that this organization that has been in existence for over thirty years can continue. If you feel that art is an important part of our community, give some of your time. Below is a list of the open opportunities. If you are uncomfortable taking on a position by yourself, ask a friend to share one with you. Monday, October 26 is the night we vote on a new board for next year; please contact me before then if you can give a little of yourself for art. If we all work together, we will have a vibrant and active organization for many years to come.
Please contact Tena Chiarchiaro at 503-6072 or

Call for Volunteers
Vacancies for EAA Board Positions are President , Vice President, Program Chairman, Fall Show Chairman, Spring Show Chairman, Secretary, Publicity Chairman, Web Site Chairman and Hospitality Chairman.
EAA is in desperate need of a President, someone with a passion and a desire to encourage art in the Edmond Community.

A Vice President is needed to assist the President and support the EAA programs.

There will be no Programs if EAA is not able to interest a Program Chairman who will invite professional artists to demonstrate their skills and techniques for the EAA monthly members' meetings.

There will be no more Outdoor or Indoor Art Shows sponsored by EAA if these chair positions are not filled.
A Secretary records the minutes of each EAA Board Meeting and this position is vacant.
A Publicity Chairman makes sure EAA activities receive radio and newspaper coverage.

A Web Site Chairman keeps the EAA web site updated. The web site is seen world wide.
EAA has volunteers for the positions of Exhibitions, Historian, Member-at-Large, Membership, Newsletter, and Hospitality. However, without a President, a Vice President, a Program Chairman, 2 Show Chairmen, a Secretary, a Publicity Chairman, and a Web Site Chairman, EAA will no longer be an organization. October 26 is voting time for new board members and so far only a few positions are filled. If others do not volunteer, EAA will dissolve and no longer exist. Please call Tena to offer your support and assistance at 405.503.6072. Let's make this a great year for the Edmond Art community.


  1. Hi Carolina, NICE BLOG !! I'm sorry to hear about your art assoc. We've had the same problem once or twice with our League of Roanoke Artists here in the mountains of SW Va. It's hard to find some people with the passion AND the time. It is so worth it...Have you given any thought to young people, maybe even high school?? Unforunately, our group is mostly senior citizens. It would be nice to have some young blood.
    I'm following your blog now!

  2. You have such a talent and Im sure you will be able to get plenty of volunteers!!! Do what your doing and spread the word!! Thats the easiest way and yes I agree check out at the high schools!!!
    Please come visit me at and enter my current giveaway. I try to have a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday so I hope you decide to become a follower so you don't miss out!


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